Sunday, June 1, 2008

Lesson 13 : Choux Pastry

Choux pastry [shoo] Also called choux paste, pâte à choux and cream-puff pastry , this special pastry is made by an entirely different method from other pastries. The dough, created by combining flour with boiling water and butter, then beating eggs into the mixture, is very sticky and pastelike. It puffs up in the oven until it is eventually set by the heat. The airiness, in fact, is caused because choux has a high water content, which is turned into steam during baking and this forces the pastry shell outwards and gives it volume.

After baking, the puffs are split, hollowed out and filled with a custard, whipped cream or other filling. Besides cream puffs, choux pastry is used to make such specialties as ÉCLAIRS, GOUGÈRE and PROFITEROLES.

Chef Angelo created the beautiful plate presentation for us...

My favourite...looks so tempting...

Chef Angelo kindly showed us how to make sugar spun....

so funny......after tasting time...we, BP3, finished it all quickly as

Making choux is not difficult for's easy than you think...for first day we just decorated it with chantily cream, melted chocolate and icing sugar...

I filled some of my choux with melted dark chocolate...but after a while, it bacame solid ^ ^''

We had to do plate can see my plate...such a lazy girl.... Anyway, they (chef and classmates) all like my presentation ..Yahoo !!! ..( I did this on my Tiramisu in KL before so i know it looks good...*laugh*)

These were some of my classmates' much more effort than i did..:P

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