Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pattison's Patisserie Fine Bakery & Cafe

Another day, Ping had to go to Mosman for doing his business...I asked him whether I can follow...hehe

So we found one cafe looks sooooo interesting...You can see from the photos...The pastries, cakes and tempting and so French..just like the pastries I am studying in LCB...

My skim cappuccino...not bad.

Ping's Latte with an unsatisfied milk foam

Ping's Salmon Quich...I didn't taste it but Ping also didn't say anything after he ate...

My blackberry good..yummm....the custard was creamy, not too sweet which goes very well with a tangy blackberry...the brioche was moist and soft..^ ^

Pattison's Patisserie Fine Bakery & Cafe

898 Military Road, Mosman NSW 2088

Tel: (02) 9969 0600


also have branches at St Ives, Hornsby and Chatswood Chase


  1. Hello,

    Nice pics but I noticed that you were actually eating a Raspberry brioche not blackberry, with your knowledge of food I would have thought you would know the difference between the two berries.

  2. Anonymous : oh.. hahaha.. yeah, when i looked at the photo.. its obviously raspberry.. no idea why I put blackberry .. thanks ^ ^

  3. Have you been back to Pattison's Patisserie? Go on a Monday, Tuesday or Friday morning and get Christine to make you a coffee. Rivals "The Source" around the corner.
