Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 11 in Melbourne : Sky Blue, Koko Black, Pizza a Meter

Today we really had no idea what to eat (actaully I wanna go to many cafes but I afraid that Deryk and Henrik will not full enough). So this time was Henrik's choice...Skyblue in China Town..he said it isn't a very nice place..but just cheap and not many places he knows)

Hot tea.


We went there quite still no people...(I don't really know there will be many people go there or not lol)

Ja's dish : Crispy skin pork with Tofu on rice....I ordered because I wanna eat crispy skin..but since it was stir the skin was not crispy at all but Tofu was nice by the way. The portion was HUGE !!! I can eat this for 3 meals...

Deryk's dish : Crispy Skin Pork on rice ...The rice was ok..I didn't taste the pork...but should be normal

Henrik had Scallop Fried rice with X.O. sauce...I forgot to take picture...but it was the best dish today...

After finished....Henrik finished all his fried rice...Deryk left a bit of rice but you can see my plate...hiah...sorry ><

Even full, but my objective today was an Iced Mocha at Koko Black...we went to Bourke St. branch...

This time they gave me a little chocolate disappointed.

just a bit at the bottom...

Deryk had Chocolate Ice cream Martini....actaully it has no alcohol at all..just was served in Martini glass.

We was soooo full and sick of chcolate...came back hom..Ja just surfed on internet...2 boys went to play game at Cyber cafe downstair...until about 6.30 pm...

Our dinner started (eating again). Nicolas drove us to Pizza place in Calton (it is not far from our place but they were lazy to walk). It is called ''Pizza a meter''

It is a nice place but we haven't heard about it before....

We were 6 people...ordered 1 meter pizza

But they served it like 2 - 50cm pizza...Nic told us last time they brought the long 1 meter..which was more amazing...

Victor and Deryk....Victor is Nic's younger brother...he is under 18 year olds...hehe...cute, rite?

The pizza was very nice....we finished it all...we had 3 pieces each....I ate 2 and a half and Henrik helped me another half...

1 comment:

  1. You have many things to eat there in Melbourne. Food option in Melbourne are available there in the Best Pizza in Melbourne city.
