Friday, July 18, 2008

Day 16 in Melbourne Part I : Cafe No.5, Little Cupcakes

Today I dictatorially told Deryk I wanna go to have brunch at Flinder lane !! I was afraid that he want something not too light..but the cafe I want now got only Panini....sorry Deryk hehehe.

Cafe No.Five again...cuz their muffins were so good and very cheap. If we have coffee, the muffin is just $2.00

This time we sat just in front of the display ...good chance for me to take pictures (actually I was forgot then Deryk reminded me to take)

This time I tried Raspberries with White Chocolate Muffin...I really want their recipe ><

1 skinny mocha and 1 normal mocha...good coffee and cute glass.

Deryk had Chicken shnitzel with swiss cheese Panini...When it came..he said if it is not enough, he will order more...then Ja quickly said ''ok , you will order 1 more cuz it won't enough'' and took one for me ...:P (couldn't was too tempting)

Then he ordered 1 more of Chicken shnitzel cuz others were too much veggies for him...

Then we went to Little Cupcakes shop near by...Since today we will have dinner with Lishan, I wanna buy something for her...This one I haven't tried but heard from many friends that it is nice.

From inside out.

Everything looks so cute..the plate they serve the cupcake.

Got the cupcake and mini think it looks much better than 2 cupcake shops in Sydney

I bought 3 - mini 4 for $8.00 boxes...1 for Lishan, 1 for Henrik and 1 for Deryk and me. (Quite was so small ^ ^'')

I just tried the mini cupcake at than I thought...cuz normally cupcake is just look cute but the taste is not nice...this one is very good for me, moist, buttery and not too sweet ! If I have a chance to come to Melbourne again..I will sit in here...*hope*

Little Cupcakes
Shop 7, Degrave St., Melbourne, VIC 3000
Tel : (03) 9077 0413

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