Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 3 in Melbourne Part 1: Cafe No. Five, Settebello Cafe

This Saturday morning...Deryk and Henrik went to play football somewhere in since 8.00 am. so I was free till afternoon. I had an appointment with Ont around 11 am. at Melbourne Central...Before that..just took tram to Dockland for walking.

Still beautiful...but so windy !

around 10.30 am..still abit dark.

After that I took a tram back to Flinder lane to find some coffee..cuz so hungry and wasn't the time to meet Ont yet...Flinder lane is one of the best place for having breakfast in Melbourne...can't decided which cafe should I sit.

Finally...ok let's try this one...Cafe No.Five

small but nice..

How can I have this kind of cafe in Thailand...haih...

The barista is a girl...she seems to be a very good barista..I like her style.

Wanna eat Panini..but can't cuz have to eat again with had only Strawberries and dark chocolate muffin and skinny cappuccino total is just $4.50 I love Melbourne !!!!!

Cafe No.Five ...

In front of the can got a nice feeling

Actually, it is not Flinder lane but connected I don't know what this area is called...but you can imagine...there are the cafes all the way down !

After satisfied with nice coffee...I continued walking to Melbourne Central. Ont is still the same as last time I saw him...He is the first Thai friend I met here when I came to Melbourne last year...He is a very nice brother even for a last few months I was here...rarely met him...

I was not hungry already ..*guilt* but he want only light we walked to Hardware lane...

Found one cafe.....Cafe Settebello

looks simple.

Just a few pizzas, pastries at the counter.

They use the menu which made from re-cycle paper...I like it.

I like the way they present the bread... very attractive for me.

Ont was thinking about his breakfast.

Ont's Mocha...looks nice !

He was finding the photos of food he cooked at school to show me...He did a pretty good job.

I had Fruit toast....but it was so gigantic ! Who can finish this ?

Ont had pizza topped with parma ham and roasted bell pepper...quite nice but he cound't finish lol

We walked, walked and walked...finally came to Federation square...

Ahh...2 cafes in 2 hours...I did a pretty good job, eh? hehehe

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