Sunday, August 31, 2008

IP Lesson 14 : Apple Strudel

I thought that apple strudel originate from Germany because I always see it in the dessert menu in German restaurant but infact it was originally from Hungary.

Strudel is a soft, smooth, elastic dough that is stretched until paper thin. Sufficient resting time is required to relax the gluten.

Chef Karin showed us how to stretch the amazing !

filled with apple, raisin, brown sugar, walnut and cinnamon.

Tasting time !

Dough itself doesn't contain any fat at all but when making apple strudel we brush lots of butter to make it moisture...that's why when we eat it..a bit oily.

Haih...I didn't roll in tight enough...became so ugly and the pastry was very soft not crispy T_T (anyway, my housemates took it to school and thier friends love it :D)

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