Friday, August 15, 2008

Malay Chinese Takeaway

Today P'Boy asked me to take him to see Opera we left house around 10.30 am. I took him to the immigration to do the labeling first, then went to open the bank account ...after that we walked to Sydney Opera House....We took lots of photos until so tired...then we walked back...I felt a bit hungry and really wanna find the Malay Chinese Takeaway for long we were looking for the shop and finally we found

We arrived there about 4 pm which was not the meal time so just a few table there....I ordered Chicken curry Laksa

Very creammy chicken curry laksa $ 8.20 Quite nice but I prefer the one at Laksa me in Melbourne.

P'Boy had chicken curry with rice $8.90 Looks similar as my laksa..but taste was different...mine was a bit more sweeter. We were quite full with the big portion...

After reached home...found Sam was cooking Pasta...Oi..I still full !!!!!!!

Julienne the basil....

He cooked Pasta with Anchovies, Basil and some sausage...I tried just 1 spoon cuz too full ^ ^''

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