Sunday, August 31, 2008

Single Origin Roasters

Thursday I tried to go in some new places (not only along George st.) so I went to Single Origin, thebest coffee in Sydney voted by Timeout magazine, in Surry Hills.

Truly I wanna go there for long time but still lazy...after I bought the Timeout magazine so ok...let's go !

Walking along Reservoir St., I easily knew where the cafe you can see in the picture...

Must be this one !

Very busy barista, cool waitresses.

Table service.

Seats available outside.

Oh my god ! my skimmed Cappucino came !

Soooooooo beautiful ! When can I make this?

They focus on latte art, not on the milk froth like some cafes do...No one this customer can enjoy the appearance first , then enjoy the strength of coffee...some make a very smooth milk froth like muffin for cappuccino for us to appreciate the creaminess. I love both ^ ^

My toasted organice rye sourdough $ 5.00 with pineapple was HUGE ! (but I finished it ..hahaha..)

My eyes were attracted with the table next to me..Ham & cheese Toastie.. looks so nice but too big for today time !

Single Origin Roasters (shop)

60-64 Reservoir St.,Surry Hills, NSW 2010

Tel : (02) 9693 2242

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