Thursday, September 25, 2008

IP Lesson 26 : Raspberry Mousse Cake

I mentioned before that normally I am not a big fan of kinda mousse, jelly-thing desserts. But today I like the raspberry mousse ^ ^ ( maybe now I like it already?)

Raspberry mousse gateau. We decolated the mousse with a joconde layered with tulip paste, then we bake them together on a patterned mat. I have seen this kind of style using sponge instead... both look good anyway. That strip is used to line the tin and we filled the inside with raspberry mousse and topped with a raspbery glace.

Chef Karen's

My can see a bit messy on top, it happened when I tried to take the mousse out of the tin. T_T

At home, after took the acetate pretty, eh? hehe

Aiya and P'Boy really like it...I also like the glaze..nice one!


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