Saturday, September 13, 2008

IP Lesson 29 : Vanilla Horns, Jam Cookies, Basler Leckerli

Chef just changed to teach us the lesson 29 first this we made some biscuits...Yeah ! I like biscuits.

Vanilla Horns is the shortbread made with almond meal that Ping (my housemate) make many times at home and everyone who tastes it loves I am really excited to make it myself...Oh ! and today I am chef Andre assistant \-o-/

from left, left photo : Vanilla horns, Mailanderli, Jam cookies and Basler Leckerli

The Jam cookies look very cute.

My biscuits...hehe...I know it looks so much different from chef's one...but not too bad ...(chef said my Vanilla horns are a good shape ^ ^)

Soo jin made this cute cookies with my cutter.

Yum !!!

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