Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thanks !

Today is my birthday !!!! Staying far away from my family and friends....Alone in Sydney, learning many different cultures from many different people... I personally am quite used to this kind of thing....but this time in Sydney, I am quite lonely sometimes....

I do have very great friends here but most of them stay outside of the city...Only 3, Seok, Su hee and Clair stay here but they are all busy about working and studying... My housemates are also busy working (my fault that won't find the job :P)

Lucky that this week I have a chance to go out with friends everyday...Thursday - Sunday....especially it is ''this week'' , so I am very happy ! Thursday, Friday I met Heidi, Stella and Kimmy and will see them again on Sunday. And because Seok know that today, Saturday, is my birthday and I am quite lonely recently, he kindly took me to Paddington market and spent his time with me before he went to work....normally he is very busy. Also this morning Soo jin called me for saying happy birthday. Kiyomi & Yumiko, friends from Japan, sent me an email, many good friends wishes me in facebook and my colleagues in Thailand called me to say happy birthday ! Oh...also Deryk came to Sydney spending time with me for one week at the first of this month...another best present for me....

Thanks for ur guys to make me know that I am loved !

And this is my birthday present from Seok...Yeah, like Heidi's...I am so touch !


  1. Happy Birthday to you too ka.
    Los of Happiness na ka :)

  2. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day filled with laughter and good food!

  3. Jib : Thanks ka...u too

    Annie : Thanks ^ ^ I had a great day...hope I will have it all this year ...haha...u too...

  4. hey hey! hope you had a happy birthday and celebrated with lots of food!

  5. panda :haha...thanks a lot..this good food month make me gain weight and my pocket empty :D

  6. your friend is so sweet got lots and lots of nice pictures at LCB

  7. u have absolutely the sweetest friend.

    happy birthday!

    have been reading your blog recently and am always interested to know what's happening in LCB as I have plans to enrol maybe next year.

    Keep writing! =)

  8. Jutapha : u got ur own blog...hehe..i will bookmark it :)

    Sooks : Thanks...Ah..I went to see ur blog, looks yummy ! Now I got 1 more blog to read..hehe
