Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Turkey Trip

This must be the longest post for me... I had a wonderful trip to Turkey during my Christmas holiday (23th Dec 08 - 1st Jan 09) with Deryk's family. My notes about traveling was in Thailand, so sorry that I couldn't say much about the details. It was a really long trip, 10 days 7 nights. Our bus was traveling about 3,500 Kilometres for the whole trip. First we stoped at Istanbul and drove down along the way to the south and went back to Istanbul again on the last day.

We went to the Grand Bazaar, over 4,000 shops there.

My first Turkish coffee !

On the way in the gas station..haha

The meal on Christmas Eve !

We took the ferry to Port Canakkale.

I really like this cuz I like Troy movie :D

Trojan Horse

We visited many cities; Izir, Ephesus, Capadocia, Ankara,
Pamukale, Canakale, etc.

And the trip was getting extremely wonderful when there was tons of snow... Sooooooo beautiful !


Pigeon valley !

Most of trip meals were buffet.

Carpet factory.

They gave us free drinks, I got Turkish coffee while Henrik tried Raki.

Another dinner in hotel.

Can't remember what this place is called. Tour guide said something about castle. We had a great lunch here.

The best belly dancing in Istanbul !

The last day, we went to Spices Market.

Oh well, thanks mum for a memorable trip ka ^ ^


  1. Ahhh always want to go to Turkey. How cold was it in winter?

  2. Heidi : yeah, not bad ^ ^

    Joe : The minimum is around -7c hehe
