Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Graduation !

9 months have gone ! lots of baking, lots of good friends. Yeah, I graduated ! The 11 Feb 2009 is my graduation ceremony day. The practical class I have passed, now I am doing Certificate 4 which is about management.. no more kitchen ! In July, due to a requisite for finishing the program, I need to work as part of our Industry Placement which I can work anywhere around the world..haha ( if I can find). Anyone who knows the pastry jobs available, let me know please :P

haha... for some of us that might not know.. girls always like this

Nicole, Heidi, Ja

4 Thais people.. yeah, just 4!

with Seok, thanks for being such a great friend !

Stella, Nicole, Kimmy, Clair and me

With Heidi, one of my best foodie friend :D

with Chef Andre (my best), Chef Dedier, Chef Karin

Um, Pin, Ayra and Ricky


  1. congratulations!!! that certificate looks huge!

  2. By the way, do you have a teacher there name Jacqui Joseph? (she's new) Congratulations! x

  3. Panda : hehe..yeah, its huge. Thanks very much.

    Edge : Thank you... mm about Jacqui, I have never met her yet.

  4. Congratulations!

    Hope you find your ideal industry placement :-)

  5. Hey Ja, you are one my best foodie too. :) Food rocks!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Congrats, let me know where you end up working so I can try your creations!

  8. hai beansprout..
    i'm natalia..
    may i know youe email?
    i'm planning to go to LCB so i wanna ask about lcb to you..
