Saturday, April 25, 2009

Farmers' Market @ Collingwood children farm

I love farmers' market.. in Sydney, I go to Good Living Grower's Market every month... In Melbourne, I was lucky enough to get chance to go Collingwood Farmers' Market.

The entrance fee is about $2 because you can see the animal inside.

Inside, lots of varieties of food products and veggies. Let the pictures tell you the story :)

The rhubarb pie... best ever! the rhubarb taste was just perfect and the cream on top was incredible nice... Are there any good one in Sydney?

Array of apple.. lovely!

After we walked, we had a small breakfast here at the cafe at the front of the market..

Lovely day.

Since my friend said she wanted to take me to try nice coffee somewhere else.. so we had only muffin and danish.. the muffin was the muffin you could find everywhere, the danish was underaverage, too oily.

After that, we headed to Jasper coffee in Brunswick st. So sad we were not allow to take picture inside the cafe.


My skinny Cappucino.

I personally love this style of decoration..not too neat, not too raugh.. the coffee was nice just that a bit warm.

Our eating day hadn't finish yet.. still came back to the city to eat at Pacific BBQ house ^ ^''

My friend and I shared the combination of roasted duck and roasted pork.

Another friend had roasted duck with noodle
Jasper Coffee
267 Brunswick St., Fitzroy
Tel: (03) 9416 0921

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