Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I am in SMH Good Living !

On last last Friday, when I was working at the SWEETNESS, Gena told me that in the evening there will be a guy from newspaper come to take photo of us.. (of course I mean the shop ^ ^) Then around 6 pm.. he came and took pictures of some products and the kitchen.. At that time, there were only 3 of us left, Chef, me in the kitchen and Camille working at the front. That day we prepared lots of biscuit dough.. When he was taking pictures, I was wishing that there will be my face in the picture lol.. When he left, I asked chef which newspaper he came from.. ''Sydney Morning Herald'' said by Gena

Yesterday when i was walking in to the shop sickly, Camille asked me whether I did see the newspaper.. I was no idea then she shown me... Ta da !

Please feel free to click on the photo ..hehe...

( I am the short fat tiny thing on the right hand side ^ ^'')

You can read the article in the Good Living. Unlucky there are no pictures on internet.. but Gena kindly sent me the pdf file for me to blog :D


  1. That is VERY cool! Congratulations Ja! :) I must make it there one day as it looks divine! :)

  2. hope you're feeling better! everyone is getting sick at the moment.

    otherwise congrats on your newspaper appearance! and you don't look fat at all!

  3. wow! congrats~! you look very pro =]

  4. Lorraine : haha.. thanks ! I love the macademia nice :D

    Panda : haha.. every friends of mine said doesn't look like me.. I assume that the real one look better :P

    Heidi : haha.. Heidi.. miss u !

    K : Thanks thanks.. maybe look serious? hehe

  5. hi there...just looking at food blogs when found urs..i love ur melb recommendations as i lived in melb as well..

  6. hcpen : ^ ^ Wish you have the good experiences there when you go.. hope to see your review also

    Rabbit sim : hahaha...noooo, I think look so ugly.. big face :D
