Sunday, March 14, 2010


One of the restaurant in my wish list, Quay, one of the best restaurant in Sydney and top 46 World's best restaurant (due to Heidi's info).


2008 - The SMH Good Food Guide - Awarded three chef's hats
2009 - The SMH Good Food Guide Awards - Awarded three chef's hats
2009 - The SMH Good Food Guide Awards - Restaurant of the Year
2009 - Gourmet Traveller Restaurant Guide - Restaurant of the Year
2008 - Savour Australia National Awards for Excellence - Restaurant of the Year & Fine Dining Restaurant
2008 - Restaurant & Catering NSW / ACT Awards for Excellence - Best Fine Dining Restaurant
2008 - Restaurant & Catering NSW / ACT Awards for Excellence - Best Restaurant of the Year
2010 - The SMH Good Food Guide - Restaurant of the year
2010 - The SMH Good Food Guide - Awarded three chef's hat
2010 - Australian Gourmet Traveller Restaurant Awards - Restaurant of the year

Finally we (Heidi, Stella, Kimmy and I) made it ! 4-course dinner for $150 might seems pricey for others but for food lovers, its a great experience and educational meal. Let you guys enjoy our wonderful meal. (some of portait picturs are from Heidi's)

Every times I walk pass by the restaurant or read from other bloggers, I always dream about sitting there enjoy such a beautiful view of harbour.

First impression for me since I walked into the restaurant is the professional service.

Heidi, Ja, Kimmy and Stella

Polenta & Sunflower seed sourdough, Malt & wholemeal sourdough. I like their utensils.

About the wine, we asked for recommendation. Heidi gave the waiter our criteria, sweet and below $100. Absolutely satisfied, we really like the wine.

Amuse Bouche: Yellowfin Tuna Tartare, horseradish creme fraiche, tapioca cultured caviar infused with smoked eel

I love this ! Beautiful in both flavour and look !

Course 1 : Sea Pearls $20 supplement

This is the dish I have been dreaming about.

Tuna & caviar

The smokey octopus, egg white and smoked eel.

My most favourite.. very smoky and nice texture.

Mud crab with tapioca pearls

Sea scallops with wasabi flower.

Abalone suspended in dashi consumme

I like this one the least since I think the dashi flavour was too strong for my liking.

Ja, Heidi, Stella and Kimmy

Course 2: Crisp confit of pig belly, braise of abalone and cuttlefish, handmade silken tofu, Japanese mushrooms, chive flowers.

I tried a bit of each in this dish. Pork belly was a little bit dry (maybe only piece I tried), the tofu was nicely soft, as nice as tofu can be, the cutterfish got interesting texture. I like the mushroom since it has such a familiar asian home cooking flavour. Kimmy said that it tasted like her mum cooking only as her mum will give more mushroom..hahaha. ( I was not sure if I got try abalone)

Course 2: Butter poached quail breasts, pink turnips and onions, white lentils, morels, truffle custard, bitter chocolate black pudding, jamon de bellota, milk skin

My dish, the quail breast was cooked to beautiful medium rare, soft and tender. The bitter chocolate black pudding was a highlight, crisp outside while very smooth inside, it was salty which was very well balanced with the subtle silken truffle custart (I was not really notice the truffle flavour).

Course 3: Roasted John Dory, Button squash, leek seedlings, lemon confit, fennel pollen, elder & corriander flowers, currants, melon seeds, brown butter

I had tried a bit of Heidi's dish, the fish was fresh with a hint of indian spice which I think it is from fennel pollen and corriander flowers. Interesting dish !

Course 3: Crisp pressed duck confit, kabu turnips, winter melon, hasuimo, sea scallops, duck juices

I was surprised when the dish was served. Chef Peter Gilmore won't serve you a normal duck confit you have seen in other places. The duck meat was lovely and the skin was tasty and crispy. However, the scallop quite was nothing to me. I would have enjoy the dish without it. I tried the duck before my lamb dish and I would love to order it for myself.

Course 3: Slow cooked pure bred Suffolk lamb loin, young vegetables, garlic custard, roasted quinoa, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, hazelnuts

After I had my dish, I was please with it. The lamb loin was perfectly cooked but I love the condiments more. The garlic custard, and all nuts were such a nice harmony in my mouth.

I really like the custard and all seeds, love the dish !

Here we come to dessert ! (I felt very full by this stage)

Course 4: Eight texture chocolate cake featuring Amedei 'Chuao' Chocolate

I first experienced this dish at the food and wine festival in Hyde park but it was 7 textures and it was very hot that day, the chocolate mousse was melting and of couse it couldn't be compared with the one we had tonight. After the waiter brought the dish on the table, another one poured the hot chocolate ganache into the center of the cake, too quick for me to take photo ^ ^'' The tempered chocolate top layer immediately melted. Every spoons we had, as a pastry student, we tried to think what are the 8 textures. We notice there were the chocolate biscuit base, 2 types of chocolate mousse, the crunchy thing, the tempered chocolate at the top layer and the hot chooclate ganache. Until we almost finished it, still can count only 6 textures so we asked the waiter what the 8 textures are. As like Jenny said and I am agree, we should keep it as a secret and let you find out yourself at Quay. lol

Course 4: Nectarine snow egg

Not my dish since I am not a fan of soft meringue but I had to admit it was a well-made dish. The soft meringue covered with the crisp toffee-like layer and centered with nectarine anglaise, which I felt it was a bit eggy for me. The nectarine granita did help clean the palate. We were thinking hardly about how they make the meringue. I was thinking about they used the blowtorche to burn the meringue ball?

Course 4: Organic Fraises des Bois, fresh raspberries, strawberries & cream jelly, sugar crystals, violets

This was the dish I planed in my mind before went to the restaurant and it was really beautiful, just like art.

The strawberry jelly was quite normal but the sorbet was the star ! I have never had the sorbet this velvelty smooth. And it was the first time I tried the fresh wild strawberry, such a deep intense flavour.

For the entire experience, I was very pleased, satisfied and impressed by the restaurant in term of presentation, quality of food, service and especially my company !

Overseas Passenger Terminal, Level 2
The Rocks, Sydney 2000
Tel : (02) 9251 5600


  1. You guys look so happy there Ja! :) Hehe we did the same with the 8 texture cake too. I would love to get the list of 8 textures! :O

  2. The food has been described perfectly by you, just like art. AHH The abalone suspended in consomme sounds so space-y like! :)

  3. Ja! it's up! finally... you know, I don't remember the eight textures..

  4. Lorraine : haha.. I actually can't remember what they are :P

    Vicky : thanks .. I don't really know those fancy words so I tried to describe it my best :)

    Heidi : Heidiiii.... I can't remember either.. I think when we meet, will try to figure out together..haha

  5. looks amazing! Especially the scallop. can't wait to visit when I get a chance.

  6. Nice photos! The dishes that you got look so good :) I loved the duck as well but I have to agree the scallops were a bit of a let down in that dish.

    If you were curious about how they make the snow egg, you can watch it here:

  7. Gastronomy girl : definitely worth ur visit, i must say :)

    Jacq : OMG, Thankssss very much, I didn't know they make it like this... Amazing, rite?

  8. Wow those sea pearls look AMAZING! I would love to go to Quay one day, just waiting for a special occasion! :)
