Thursday, July 24, 2008

IP Lesson 1 : Reversed Puff Pastry

Welcome back to LCB ! yeah yeah...I was waiting for class because it was a bit boring when got no class...(actually I had no time to get bored since just came back from Melbourne lol) ... However, all of us haven't get the student book yet, so we had no idea what we will bake today...Lucky I always read about LCB from Swee. So I knew that we will make the Puff pastry ...

Again...Puff pastry but this time it is Reversed (Inverted) puff pastry, which is totally wonderful !! It’s where the fats wrap the dough instead of the dough wrapping the fats like the normal puff pastry. I haven't known there is such this kind of puff before ...

Every Monday we will have Chef Michael who taught us last semester also...I am happy to have him ^ ^ . Since we are in Intermediate semester, we will use the machine to pin the dough instead of using our muscle. Chef said in the real industry, no one use we have to learn how to use the machine....bravo ! Even I don't mind using hand, you know, it is much quicker and the product is much beautiful...

Chef Michael was using his new millinium-look rolling pin...

At first when I heard about butter is outside the dough...I imagined that it should be very hard....But for real is not just pure butter, we mix 50% of butter weight with flour to for the butter dough...For the 2nd dough, we add some butter this puff has tons of butter !!!

When rolling, it was so soft....I prefer making this reversed puff than the normal one...I found it is easier for me...

We kept the finish dough in the fridge and cooked some savoury topping for tommorrow savoury petit fours...

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