Thursday, July 24, 2008

IP Lesson 2 : Petit Four / Hor' dourves

Tueday, we have Chef Karen from Liverpool, England...At first I heard her accent...ahh...So British...she is very kind and nice chef also...lucky us !

Today we made some petit fours, or in other words hor’dourves. Due to time constraint again, we were not allow to make Hazelnut crescent and Almond pretzel which is very very nice....we made only savoury item :
Mini Pizza, Pissaladiere, Mini Quiche and Parmesan twists.

Almond Pretzel was waiting to bake prepared by Chef Karen.

Mini quiches.... We made a Pate Brisee (savoury short pastry) for this, then pinned out to 1.5 mm , cut and layed into mini aluminium foil cups. Chef Karen style is putting bacon, cheese and egg mixture separately... cheese first, sauteed bacon and onion, cheese again and pour with egg and cream mixture...and onion. Baked!

This chef assistant 1 of us will be the chef assistant eveyday by coming 30 mins earlier...Today was Su Jin..

Lots of samples to taste today.......\^O^/

Clockwise from top left : Mini quiches, Mini Pizza, Passaladieres, Parmesan twists

Oh...first time tried the was short, flaky and just melt in your mouth like Chef Michael told us...amazing ! My favourite was the mini pizza..the tangy of tomato sauce made us kept eating...The quiche was nice as it should be.

Almond pretzel and Hazelnut crescent...Both were nice, but I am not a big fan of hazelnut (except Nutella) . I really wanna make Almond pretzel instead of Pissaladiere...Hurr...

Just came out from oven...very cheesy and yummy !

Time to start....We had to made pretty many things I and Sujin made it together...We worked together quite well since already have been doing this for 10 weeks in Basic...Thanks Sujin !

Our mini quiches...well done !

Pissaladieres...mine were bigger than Su jin's ...we supposed to cut 5*7 cm..I think I did 5.5*8 cm lol

Pamesan twists...we had 2 trays...2nd tray was a bit burn ..haha

Our mini pizza...we decided to put cheese on top of half tray....I really like it but at the end of the day...I felt sick of puff already ^ ^''

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