Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sonoma Bakery Cafe

Thanks for NQN to remind me about Sonoma Bakery Cafe on Glebe st. I passed by that place about 2 weeks ago and it was in renovation.

After I read the review. I quickly walked there to have lunch (it is quite in my area). I would like to have Lamb pie like NQN but there were no more..so I tried beef pie instead...

Beef pie $6.50 and Skimmed Cappuccino $3.00

Unfortunately, beef one wasn’t good..I have to say there were big chunks of beef but tough and dry…the puff was soggy…hurr..maybe it is not my day…

But I have tried their olive sourdough at the italian festival…so good !! maybe next time i will try toasts there ^ ^

After lunch, I bought a book from one nice book shop on Glebe st. This book is about Le Cordon Bleu cuisine student in Paris...anyway, I havent even opened it yet ^O^

Sonoma Bakery Café
215 Glebe Point Rd Glebe

Tel: (02) 9660 2116


  1. I am always looking for new food related books to read, I am going to look for that book in my area and if I cant find it, I will look online.

  2. shelly : I think it should be a nice book..i have read it for 4 pages already :D
