Friday, August 15, 2008

IP Lesson 7 : Strawberry & Blueberry Tart, Linzer Torte

So disappointed...actually today lesson was Raspberry & Blueberry tart...but there was no raspberry at all for we had only strawberry (which is cheaper than raspberry) and blueberry to use...

The school fee is so expensive, they shouldn't do this..haih...

In the picture is Linzer Torte...

Linzer Torte is a famous Austrian pastry that is called a 'torte' but is acutally a tart made from Hazelnut meal filled with raspberry jam and glazed with apricot jam. It is a very dry style of pastry and is most often served for afternoon tea.

Chef Michael made some biscuits from the leftover Linzer torte dough...(I think it tastes nicer than tart :P)

Raspberry (we use strawberry) & Blueberry Tart consists of sweet short pastry, frangipane (almond cream), pastry cream and fruits...

from left clockwise: piping the frangipane on top of sweet short pastry, bake, piping pastry cream on top of frangipane, decorate with fruits.

Linzer Torte and Raspberry & Blueberry tart

Tasting time !!!!!!!!

My strawberry & Bluerry tart...just looks like fruit tart last time we made in Basic...

My Linzer Torte...not bad, rite? hehe...

Happy happy !

This time we got Giant Strawberries which is very difficult to work with...the huge one on right side was Seok's

Tea time !

I gave the whole strawberry tart to my coffee teacher...

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