Thursday, September 11, 2008

IP Lesson 16 - 18 : Bread bread bread...

This week, we were making bread again...I like bread lesson because we don't need much equipments (mean we don't need to clean much :P)

Lesson 16 we started at Country style bread (Vegetable) and wholemeal bread (Ring and Pagnotta)

Vegetable bread by chef Michael : There are spinach, carrot, onion and cheese in it...yummy when it just came out from the oven.

30 % Wholemeal Bread by chef Michael. I like this recipe, we put honey in it so it is a bit sweet and can smell honey.

Clockwise from left top (By chef Karen and chef Andre) : Ciabatta, Lavosh, Baguette. The 4th one are baps and soured french baguette.

In chef Andre class, he kindly brought his Port strawberry & orange jam which he made yummy.

Look ! How can we maintain our weight while we eat like this in tasting time..haha

The following are my products :

Ciabatta and Lavosh.

Clockwise topleft : Vegetable bread, Wholemeal bread, Baguette, Baps and Fruit buns.

I like this picture with my partner, Soo Jin. ^ ^ Anyway, our veggie breads looks like fireball

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