Thursday, September 11, 2008

IP Lesson 19 - 20 : Croquembouche

One of an interesting lesson ...

Croquembouche is a traditional French dessert usually made as a wedding cake. The word ''Croquembouche'' translates to ''crack in the mouth'' due to the caramel/toffee finish. Profiteroles are stacked onto a shape like cone

French Croquembouches are profiteroles dipped in caramel and filled with creme patisserie. It’s base is made from Nougatine which we have to work with when it is still hot ! So bascially, the whole thing looks golden in colour. The Italians croquembouche use Chocolate to stick it together instead of caramel.

First day we just prepared the choux puff, pastry cream and nougatine...

Haha...even the leftover nougatine chef made...we still wanna eat !

The second day, Chef Karen was the one who assemble the croquembouche.

Profiteroles are dipped into caramel and stick to each other. Telling the truth, when I saw chef did that in the demo, I think it is pretty easy job. But !!! soooooo difficult ! The caramel is 160 degree celcius while the boiling water is just 100 degree...Can you imagine how hot it is? It is sooooooooooooo painful...Most of us burned ourself in the kitchen. ( I was the first one who burned myself...and I got 3 burnt !!!)

However, I was quite satisfied with my croquembouche...

Ah....until today I really want my mum to see that I can make so many things that I have never thought I will....

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