Friday, September 19, 2008

IP Lesson 24 : Brasilia Gateau

Actually the Lesson 24 suppose to be Iced Suffle but the school cancel that and let us make the Brasilia Gateau which is in Superior ...

This gateau consists of a joconde sponge, caramel buttercream and nougatine. So caramel and nougatine is made almost the same, from sugar and water, cooked till brown. (which is extremely hot !). It is similar as Opera Gateau but this one is much sweeter because of caramel butter cream...I personally don't like this cake at all.

Chef Karen made the Brasilia in her own style..quite cool !

Small pieces..

My Nougatine was too pale, can be more golden in colour...

Oh..and in the morning before I went to school, I felt want some good coffee so I draged myself to King St. to Mecca, one of the best cafe in Sydney.

Busy busy cafe.

Skimed mocha..only $3.00

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