Friday, September 25, 2009

Clipper Cafe II

Again Ping and I came to Clipper on last Saturday. We planned that after breakfast we wanted to go Glebe market to buy some dresses but we were so disappointed that the market was closed T_T

Rainy day that was why Clipper didn't so packed of people as usual.

Skinny Cappuccino & Hot Chocolate

Just like this shot ^ ^''

Toasted banana with ricotta and berries compote $8

Don't know how to tell you how ooh-and-aah we were when this dish came.. Look amazingly tempting. The colour of the berries.. I am craving now !

Just couldn't stop taking picture of it..hahaha

Again, same bicycle.

When we were taking pictures, the barista brought this cup of coffee to us and said that "take picture of this" Wow, so cool !!!

It was so so so so so gooooood!!!!

My new book.. just started to read for a few pages :D

I definitely came back for the same dish.. yum !


  1. oMG~! I was at Clipper cafe on Saturday as well :) I saw that banana bread coming out and it looked SO good, am definitely going to order it next time! I loved the bicycles on the wall and the food was awesome!!

  2. OOHHHH, same day? haha.. We was there quite early then left there around 9.45 then went to Pymont market .. the banana bread is awesome..I used its picture to my wallpaper on my laptop.. :D

  3. You definitely sound like you enjoyed that dish! How is the Matt Preston book? :)
