Thursday, June 24, 2010

Astor Epresso

Everytimes I pass by this cafe, it is always packed with people. From the picturesu below, you can see how beautiful of the local cafe can be :)

Astor Epresso
166 Glebe Point Rd., Glebe NSW 2037
Tel : (o2) 8065 4414


  1. my work is so close to glebe pt. road yet i hardly find the time to go there but i really should. coffee looks good here!

  2. Panda : this one is very good but the cafe is a bit far from broadway.. a bit further than sonoma bread, thats why I went there only 1 time.. still wanna go again but lazy to walk :)

  3. the croissant looks good. Is that cheese with tomato grilled??

    Finally blogging...

  4. Heidi : yes and it was so good. The croissant was very nice. and u know, today i finished at 7 pm T_T
