Thursday, April 23, 2009

Crêperie le Triskel & Dainty Sichuan

Actually I went to these 2 places in different days but the reason that I write it in the same post because Both are the places that I got chance to meet my great friends.

Firstly, I was so stupid forgot my camera charger (Canon) in Sydney. So I tried to use my camera efficiently... wanted to save the battery for my hilight Most of the time I used Deryk's camera which is Casio. I don't really know how to use it perfectly. I did tried adjusting the white balance and all those things but I was still not satisfied. The photos look dark when we took it indoor.(Deryk also couldn't help me with this as he has never used his camera also ^ ^')

Ok, the first place is Crêperie le Triskel. I knew this place last year when I was reading Tummyrumble. The place looks fantastic so I quickly told my friend, Pea, who is another foodie in Melbourne to give it a try. She loves the place and go there as if it is the 2nd home..haha.. The french owner (I can't remember his name) became a good friend with her. I really wanted to go to the cafe with Pea but she went back to Thailand on 4th April just 4 days before I arrived Melbourne T_T. However, her sister, Nut, came to study law in Melbourne since January also being another food lover. She was in charge of taking me to many new places.. :)

We arrived there around 10 pm.

The cafe is very french, the staff, the magazines, the newspaper, the decorations, the music and the food !

I don't really know what the words sticted on the coffee machine mean...

They are specialising in a range of savoury and sweet crepes. The menu are so tempting but there were only 2 of us.. We ordered a bit cuz I was thinking that I would come back again to try others... but I didn't :'(

The counter... all crepes are cooked here.

It was somebody crepe but I wanted to take photo lol.

Skinny Cappuccino $3.5 & Le Bol de Cafe au Lait $4

We were laughing when my cappuccino arrived.. It was like a cup of mountian..haha. The milk froth was not smooth but taste was not bad. Nut ordered a bowl of cafe au lait which I had never tried before because I always thought that it is too weak for me. I tried her and it was surprisingly very good. Not too weak, just perfect ! Now I want another bowl ! (it is huge, I think I will be full after I drink this)

French Tartines with Bol de Café au Lait($6.50)

The buttered toasted french baguette with marmalade. Quite nice !

The owner kindly took picture for us.. Oh, we ordered another sugar and lemon crepe.. you can see its next to our coffee. I really wanted to try savoury crepes..... hiah.. not sure I will have a chance or not.

They also sell lovely Pain au chocolats and croissants from Noissette.

On Thursday night, one of my most favourite restaurants in Melbourne... Dainty Sichuan.. After I went there for 1st and 2nd time... I have been waiting for going again... Anyone in Melbourne who have never tried ... please give it a chance !
Today I had a chance to meet Lina, another my best friend in Melbourne. 6 of us, me, Deryk, Henrik, Lina, and 2 of Henrik's friends, made a booking at 7 pm. but still have to wait for 20 mins..

Shui Zhu Yu (Water Cooked Fish)

The soft fresh fish swimming in red chilli oil.. Super delicious ! It was at another corner of the table so I just ate a little of this fish... Anyway, I didn't bother because I was busy eating something else..hahahahaha
And it was .........

Spicy Cumin Pork Spare Ribs $21.20

All time favourite ! It was juicy, fatty, crispy and soooooooooo spicy. Of course it has lots of MSG but can't help.. Its too good! When I bited, the sweet fatty juice came into my mouth. The crisp spiced crust outside and a so-tender meat took me to heaven ! (It is only dish that I know the price cuz I went there to take away pork ribs back to Sydney on the last day ..haha.. The price increased from $18.80 last year)

I ended up eating 5 pieces of it o_O

Kung Pao Chicken, last time it was nicer.

Fish flavoured eggplant.

Still as good as it was last time... just that it came so late when we were already full from above 3 dishes ( we were 6 people and ordered 4 dishes... everyone were almost die)

Ja & Lina (ur face is too small ><)

After that, we were too full to go home straight away... we kept walking and ended up stopping at Max Brenner (Are u serious?)

Deryk had Banana Chocolate Frappe (after such a heavy dinner) and Henrik had White chocolate Chai latte (quite interesting but I didn't take photo)

Crêperie le Triskel
32 Hardware Lane, Melbourne, VIC 3000
Tel : 0466 406 404

Dainty Sichuan
26 Corrs Lane, Melbourne 3000
Tel : (03) 9663 8861


  1. OH yes those little magnetised words are so you can make up your own sentences and stick them on your fridge. I think you can leave messages for people using the words or just write whimsical sentences!

  2. i love both Le Triskel and Dainty Sichuan ka (and also love Max Brenner, LOL)

    Good to know that you also like Le Triskel. Michael and Patricia are so nice, miss them much and also miss Bol de Cafe au Lait.

    For Dainty Sichuan, the fish dish is my favorite, even it's too spicy for me (so i have to dip it in the hot water, haha). for the MSG pork (the nickname of it for me), agree with you that it has too much MSG but it's so good ka.

  3. I love love Dainty Sichuan too especially the ribs, eggplant and cold noodle. They are soooo good.
