Sunday, November 2, 2008

What a eating day! Part III - Neptune Palace & Guylian Chocolate Cafe

After eating duty in the day time, I had an appointment with P'Gler at 6.00 pm. at ''Neptune Palace Chinese Restaurant'' at Circular Quay... He told me on the phone that the restaurant is opposite the pier 6....So I just didn't bother to find the exact address since I thought that he will call me again at that time...

Enthusiastically, I was there at pier 6 at 6.00 pm sharp with my beautiful Flourless chocolate Torte for his present ....I couldn't find the I waited for his call and just kept walking from there to the Opera house and walked back to the observation terminal ( I reckoned that if the restauant is in that area..he should told me that it is in The Rocks), Walked, walked, and walked until legs were tired... No calls from P'Gler at all...

Ummm...I tried to call him from my phone but couldn't reach so I thought that it might be because his mobile is from Thailand. Then I called P'Boy, my housemate'' to use my phone card in my room to call P'Gler...Still couldn't contact....Oh my god ! What should I do ... I was thinking to go back and thinking about who I should give the cake to...(I was thinking that maybe his mobile ran out of battery but if like that he still could turn on the phone for a min to see my number and call from someone's mobile). Felt so desperated T_T (actually angry also

Ok..I gave up ! While acrossing the street to go back home, suddenly saw the sign... ''Neptune Palace'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!! So lucky, I walked up to 2nd floor where the restaurant is....

Finally I saw P'Gler was sitting at the table with bus driver...Wah ! I was about to cry at that time....His face seemed so guilty ! hahahaha

He said his mobile was really out of battery and couldn't even turn on...and he thought that I knew where the restaurant he was waiting...

He compensated my paranoid with nice food...hehe... One more thing, I got a chance to sit at the tour guide proud :P

I have just known that this restaurant had 1 hat in 2004...Also the veggie in the left photo was tasty but looked not so nice ^ ^''

After finished dinner, 2 people in his tour group had to go back to Thailand at that night, so I asked him to go to the airport too...
Later we went back to Circular Quay for Guylian chocolate cafe.

Around 10.30 pm... I noticed that they changed the pictures on the wall.

Beautiful cakes.


We ordered 2 cakes.

My dark hot chocolate $7.00

Very very rich and thick chocolate...I love it ! but so large portion..I think it is enough for 2.

Chocolate and Banana Shake for P'Gler $7.00
He said it was a bit too much banana taste for his liking.. I personally found it nice.

I couldn't stop smiling...too happy !

Red delight $13.50 : Belgiun chocolate buche filled with raspberry fruit cream

So beautiful, don't you think?

Guylian Tiramisu $14.50 : Sponge ladyfinger, espresso syrup and mascarpone sabayon. I myself found it was decent, nothing special... Not so creamy, too light for my liking... and too expensive.

P'Gler....Thanks for the nice desserts ka :D

The mousse was rich and smooth, the chocolate glaze was also perfectly shiney. The little raspberry cream inside brought the tangy taste which helped me a lot from all these chocolate things...(if it is raspberry jelly or coulis would be perfect for me)

As I told you the hot chocolate was so rich..Even I am a big fan of chocolate, still found it was too chocolaty for eating hot chocolate with this cake..(maybe can if there are more people) I tried to finish about 1/3 of the cake and 3/4 of my hot chocolate....then gave up and gave all responsibilities to P'Gler lol

Thank you P'Gler ....See you again in Thailand :D
PS. consumed too much chocolate at night, I couldn't sleep until about 4 am.. -_-''


  1. That hot chocolate looks just like melted chocolate, it doesn't even look as though it has milk in it!

  2. annie : is really good...You definitely should try (and also bring many people to share :P)

  3. That looks much thicker than the hot milk chocolate we got (accidentally, we ordered the dark chocolate). Perhaps they've improved it as it was a bit too watery! That cake looks good :)

  4. omg..this is like a sydney food guide!..brilliant if i m ever going to settle dwn in sydney..

  5. lorraine : yeah it is thicker than the one i saw in ur post (maybe cuz that one is Milk choc). The cake looks good but too rich for me at that time :)

    joe : thanks for visiting my got so many great foodie blogs (also same as in Malaysia).. until can't decide where should we go first :P

  6. The desserts are very nice but I found that it's quite expensive for Tiramisu.

    P.S Thank you so much na ka for your suggestion, I will do it next time ka. (so glad to get the suggestion from you na ka)

  7. oh man that hot chocolate looks so awesome *drool*

  8. jackson : hehe...not as much as u had

    vanillaorchid : no worries ka...thanks for u to visiting my blog ^ ^

    chocolatesuze : it was good... but the best hot chocolate for me still is koko black :)

  9. Hi, just come to visit and I just tag you on my blog, hope you enjoy it:

    Strawberry Layer Cake: Finally I did it!
