This is the Forth time I was there.. The
second and
third time there all were satified... This time I brought
Seok there, he (korean) said he have never tried this kinda food before and he think most of his friends doesn't know this.. haha.. I am so happy open his eyes to the world of food :P

I think I took this picture everytimes I came lol

Seriously studying menu.

Teh ais : Iced milk tea and Teh 'O' ais limau : Iced tea with a splash of lime.

Plain nasik lemak

Maggi goreng, I think this time is not as spicy as
first time I had but still good.

Kali Kambing : Lamb curry
The lamb was tender and the curry was nice aroma, tasty yet not too spicy. I found out the curry is not as thick as Thai curry so I asked my m'sian friend, he said its not supposed to be thick.. is it?

Seok was really enjoy this meal.

Roti Bomb : an indulgent roti served thicker, richer and sweeter
Look small? see the next one !




The dough inside was still a bit doughy.. I prefer the thin crispy style.
The meal wasn't cheap.. its about $50 for 2 people but we were so full and filled with happiness.
Mamak Malaysian roti and satay
15 Goulburn st., Sydney
Tel : (02) 9211 1668
you do come here quite often! that boy still working there?
hahaha... I still saw him sometimes but forget about him already lol
I miss mamak! even though I have perfectly fried prata in Singapore. I think it's the company.
I loooove mamak, I haven't had a better roti in Sydney yet. Definitely going soon, I was craving it so bad while they were closed for renovations.
Hello!- just out of curiosity (and tell me I wasn't seeing things! :P) was Mamak closed like a week or 2 ago? Cos we went out for dins at chinatown after watching Transformers, and we went past mamak and it was all closed up!. At least, i thought it was mamak :P Were they renovating?. Still yet to try their food there!
By the way, you guys looks so cute in your jackets and ties! x
Heidi : haha yes yeas ! one day i will be ur company in Singapore, ok? lok
Stephcookie : me too, I also have been waiting for the new opening, wanna try their satay, friends said very good.
Edge : yes, its renovating. I think next time I have to try Roti canai and Satay . Thanks about the uniform :)
After reading your countless blog on this restaurant- I finally had dins there last night!=). We had the Sambal Tiger prawns, Fried Chicken, plain roti and rice. The sambal prawns wasn't really that exciting. Super hot and spicy, portion is small. Although we didn't even finish it! haha. We did finish our ice tea with a splash of lime really quick!. The star meal for us last night was actually the desserts!- the shaved ice with the beans, corn and flavouring (aca something?) and the oh so yummy roti with pandan and coconut! We'll definitely come back again to try out the other dishes and the different rotis! x
PS judging by your pics- I think we were sitting there last nite!
Edge : hehe... good to hear that you gave it a try. Sambal Tiger prawns arent that good? I was thinking to try it but yeah, heard that it is small portion. I am also planning to go next week. Definitely order chicken satay and the one you like "roti with pandan and coconut" it sounds so good.
And thank you very much for coming back giving me your idea about it.
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